Giulia | @giulia.hmb // Photo: Andreas Reichardt | @anirei_letgo // 14-16 Holger Zeidler | @hzphoto.graphy //
MUA: Charlotte Fleck | @makeupfleck

Giulia ist schwer zu beschreiben. Dieser junge Wildfang ist beeindruckend, unbefangen, frech, witzig und einfach vollkommen großartig. Das Latex flog der jungen Dame quasi zu, sie hielt es fest, und die rasant wachsende Zahl ihrer Fans bestätigt: Giulia hat das gewisse Etwas. Das war dann auch der Grund, warum wir uns sagten: Ein schlichtes Setup: Schwarz auf Schwarz, damit nichts von Giulia ablenkt. Aber ein kurzes Interview musste trotzdem sein.

MARQUIS: Hey Giulia, it was a really great shoot. Very fun. Please tell me again, how did latex
come about for you?
Giulia: I was a swimmer, so I often wore neoprene. And one day dear Julian (catboo_net on Instagram) approached me and invited me to my very first latex shoot in March 2021 and introduced me to the subject, so to speak. From that day on, I was just hooked, and that‘s how it all started.
MQ: Would you describe yourself as a fetishist or how do you feel about latex?
G: First and foremost, I see latex as a fashion statement and as part of fashion. I‘m amazed at
how much you can experiment with it and how diversely you can combine it — but I also have a
small fetish (laughs mischievously).
MQ: What do you do besides your career as a latex girl?
G: I am a student. I‘m currently studying social work and I really enjoy it.
MQ: Do you have shoot idea that you would like to implement, a dark fantasy?
G: Uhh, a difficult question. I still have a lot of ideas…

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