Her look is that of a pin-up with the features of a Russian angel. But anyone who has ever heard Elena Vladi sing in her band Red Queen will agree that, in addition to her enchanting body, her
qualities also include an out-of-this-world voice. She playfully alternates between angelic singing and growls that seem to come straight from hell. These opposites, as well as her preference for pinup and fetish, are, of course, of great interest to us!
MARQUIS: Elena, some may know you from the band Red Queen, but tell us, who are you?
Elena: I am an artist, composer, producer, poet and a singer. I was born and raised in Russia
and moved to United States with my family a couple of decades ago. I always wanted to
pursue and utilize my artistic nature and that’s what I’m doing now. I love that through music I
can unite like-minded people who love and feel my music and vision. Red Queen fans are like
our family.
MARQUIS: Describe your music to our readers in just one sentence, please.
Elena: It’s heavy electronica mixed with heavy metal and some thick-ass drums. When I
record keys and go through my software synths, my mind goes in this completely
psychedelic zero-space and time zone! I fly away! I love mixing dreamy with heavy. Also
sexy with dirty! Clean vocals with aggressive growls. Very important for me to keep this
dynamic in music because that’s how I am. Music gives me the chance to tell everyone who
I am and how I feel. Get it all out of my chest. And this latest album is going to be my diary.
MARQUIS: Sounds tempting. At least for me. But I urge all of you out there, check it out! But
Elena, what is your connection to fetish and Latex?
Elena: I’m a huge fan of anything extraordinary and expressive. I think fetish is an outlet and a
way to express passion. It is a good way to turn [the] boring into an exciting fire! Doesn’t matter
what you are into, any fetish can be turned into a beautiful artform of power, weakness and
seduction,.. as long it’s between consenting adults and nobody gets hurt against their will.
MARQUIS: Your singing voice has a really wide range. From clean to brutal scream… Did it come
naturally? Did you want to be a singer when you were young?
Elena: Yea, I’ve wanted to sing since I was a kid. I started in high school and by the time I was in
university, I got my jam band together in Russia. I did take opera singing classes to learn the …